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Writer's pictureDoug Valerio

Your Kingdom Come - PB#54

As of this post, no doubt, most will be in self-isolation due to the coronavirus outbreak. This will be an event that will go down in history for sure. Stock market decline, panic buying, aeroplanes grounded, public events cancelled and education establishments closed. How should we as Christians respond when the nations are being shaken?

Psalm 16:8. "I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken."

Our future is more secure than the foundation of the earth because our lives are built upon the rock of Jesus Christ. While the fearful stockpile and panic buy, we should be responding with open hands and generosity (Prov.11:24) that they might see Christ in us and turn to Him. Jesus is still the King of the Kingdom. When we pray; "Your Kingdome come," we recognize that only Jesus is able to put all things right. He is doing this now, and shall continue to put things right until all His enemies have been put under His feet.


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