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We are a family-focused Church

where we learn to love God, love people,
and make disciples of Jesus Christ - Together!


No matter what you’ve been through or where you come from, you are welcome here. Join us for a Sunday gathering and see why God’s family is no ordinary family.


We are a community of imperfect people discovering healing together.

We keep it real and fight against fake.

We believe God has a purpose for your life and family, and that's what drives us.

And we're saving a row of seats for you!

MCC is a growing, contemporary, family church that is a campus of My Community Church Inc. and a member of the Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.


We see a time where everyone in our community has been impacted by God’s love. We want to share that by authentically reflecting the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus in our lives.

How do we do this?

In three main ways:

  1. By meeting every Sunday to connect with God and each other as a wider community

  2. By going deeper during the week with a smaller, more intimate group where we are transformed by the Holy Spirit and God’s Word

  3. By going out and authentically loving and serving those in our communities and workplaces

What We Believe

We believe in God as eternal Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created and sustains the universe. The eternal purpose of God the Father is to create a people who will bring glory to God forever. God alone is worthy of worship.

We believe that God became human in Jesus Christ. Jesus came to restore the world because humans have rejected God in disobedience. Jesus taught and modeled the way of God’s kingdom. He died on the cross, making it possible for us to accept a renewed relationship with God. He rose from the dead, broke the power of sin and death, and frees us to live in obedience to God’s will.

We believe that God the Holy Spirit invites all people to be reconciled with God and to join the global family of faith. Believers confess their faith, are baptized, and join in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and guided by the Bible, members of the church seek to live as followers of Christ and invite others to experience this new life.

As Christians, we are called to turn:

  • from ignorance of God to a personal relationship with God

  • from bondage of sin and past mistakes to freedom, forgiveness, and healing

  • from individualism to interdependence with others in the local church

  • from lifestyle choices that harm us, others, and the earth to choices that nurture wholeness, healing, joy, and peace

  • from hating enemies and ignoring neighbours to showing love and justice to all

  • from loving possessions to sharing with all in need

  • from aimless existence to a mission of representing and proclaiming God’s kingdom on earth

As Christians, we look forward to the day when God will once again send Jesus to bring all things under God’s eternal rule.

For a detailed version please see:

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