City On Our Knees 2032
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
PSalm 34: 17-18
Here is a summary of key findings from the Mental Health Commission Canada; Mental Health and Substance Abuse During Covid-19.
The mental health and substance use impacts of the pandemic have been greater for people living with, or at risk of, mental health and substance use disorders.
Only 2 in 5 respondents report strong (very good/excellent) mental health.
14% of respondents report moderately severe/severe current symptoms of depression, 24% report moderate/severe symptoms of anxiety, and 5–6% have seriously contemplated suicide since March 2020.
1 in 3 respondents who use alcohol report increased use and 1 in 5 report problematic use; 2 out of 5 who use cannabis report increased use AND problematic use.
The pandemic is amplifying the close relationship between mental health and substance use.
Respondents with past and current substance use concerns report more mental health symptoms. Nearly 1 out of 2 respondents with past substance use disorders report moderately severe to severe depression symptoms since March 2020.
Respondents with past and current mental health concerns report greater increases in substance use. Almost 1 out of 2 respondents with current mental health symptoms who consume cannabis report increased consumption.
Access to services is not keeping up with increasing need.
Only 22% of respondents with current mental health symptoms and 24% with current problematic substance use report access to treatment since March; about 1 in 5 of respondents who have received care report finding access difficult.
This doesn’t make for good reading. Nevertheless this is the current state of Mental health in Canada. Can the Church make a difference? I believe it can. In other reports, people of faith have been found to be more resilient than than those who report no faith. Being connected with a loving and supportive community goes a long way to providing positive mental health.
God is compassionate toward those that are broken-hearted and crushed in spirit. Let us lift up those that are suffering in our church and across our City.
Prayer Points
Christians will be channels of God’s love to those who are suffering from mental issues.
Wait times for care and counselling will greatly diminish, and no one in dire need will be turned away.
God will bring peace to families and single people who are dealing with mental and emotional pressures.
Workers in high-pressure jobs will receive support and time to recover from mental concerns.
Christian counsellors and others in mental health jobs will see God at work in the people they counsel.
Christian agencies and mental health institutions such as the Royal Ottawa Hospital will receive the financial support to meet the needs of Ottawa residents.
Christians will reach out to young people who are particularly vulnerable to mental and emotional problems.