January 24th
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). 42. And he brought him to Jesus.
John 1:41-42
The most natural thing in the world is to tell other people good news; a new job, the birth of a baby, an unexpected windfall. Every one of us tell our good news because we want others to share in our joy. We are not sheepish about it either.
John the Baptist told Andrew about Jesus. Andrew spent the day with Him and was convinced that Jesus was the long-awaited messiah. What was Andrew's first reaction? Go and tell the good news to his brother and brought Simon to Jesus.
When we first fell in love with Jesus, we told all our friends. It was the most natural thing in the world for us to do. We only learned later to be sheepish when people rejected us.
It is time to take off the sheepskin coat and put on the joy of our salvation, and invite our friends again to "come and see." At MCC, we organize many opportunities for you to invite others to "Come and See." Alpha, The Marriage Course, Sunday Worship, Encounter Youth, Triads, Special events. We are organizing more "Come See" events over the summer; Summer camp for the kids and Family camp at Camp Cherith.
All you need to do is give an invitation and better still - bring them.
Prayer Points
Ask the Lord to renew your first love (Rev 2:4) and restore the joy of your salvation (Ps. 51:12).
Pray that God would send labourers (Lk. 10:2) to lead and run our "Come See" events and Ministries.
Earnestly pray for the Lord to develop a culture of invitation in the Church.
Ask the Lord to help you develop genuine relationships with those that are far from Christ.
Ask for the willingness to go the extra mile (Matt. 5:41) to pick them up and "bring them to Jesus."
Spend some time listening in prayer for your personal invitation goals, and the strategies the Lord gives you to see them accomplished. When you have these written down, pray over them and commit yourself to be obedient to the Lord's leading.
Early Morning Online Prayer Room opens
Monday to Friday; 6:30 - 7:00 am
Zoom ID: 875 9627 3294
Passcode: prayer